Featured Article
February 28, 2025
Articles of interest
Reed Smith opens Denver Office with 20 lawyers
The firm announces it's 33rd global office in Denver, Colorado
Reed Smith Opens Atlanta
Compass Law Group is proud to have facilitated this office opening
Spencer Fane Expands Las Vegas
The Fastest Growing Am Law 200 Firm in the Past 5 Years Continues Growth
Spencer Fane Opens Santa Fe
Spencer Fane Completes Second Merger of the Year
Frost Brown Todd Enters Denver
Compass Law Group opens FBT in Colorado
Venable Opens in Colorado
We were proud to help Venable make a splash in Denver
Big Law Associates are Apparently Living Easy with Less Work and Higher Salaries
Interesting data point on associate comp from Above the Law
In Partner Comp, Does Ignorance Equal Bliss?
An article on compensation from law.com
Spencer Fane Announces Salt Lake City Office
Compass Law Group Pleased to Facilitate Spencer Fane's Impressive Entry into Utah
Spencer Fane Opens Two California Offices
Compass Law Group was proud to facilitate this entry into California